Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday: Wings

Okay, so.


 I have absolutely NO idea what I'm talking about today, so... I might just wing it. Yep. Totally winging it.

 Well, yesterday's prophecy didn't come true. I woke up at 6:45, before falling asleep till 7:45. A little off the mark, but... the weather doesn't always obey the weatherman, right?

 Oh, I know! I'm sitting in my room right now, and I have a lot of stuff in my room. How about I stand up, close my eyes, spin around, walk towards whatever's in front of me, and blog about that! Good plan, Alice, good plan!

 Here it goes!

 Bad plan. It literally didn't work at all. I tried three times. First time, I got a wall in my face. It was bumpy. Not much else. 

 Second time, I got the corner of the footboard in my hip. It hurt. Not much else. 

 Third time, I got the other side of the footboard in my other hip. It hurt. Not much else.

 And so it goes.    

 Random Question: Do you ever, like, in a public place, feel self-conscious walking over to a bench or something. I do. I'm not insecure or anything, but if I'm the only person moving, I feel like everyone's watching me.

 This is me: Walk. Over. There. It's absolutely fine. It's not like you're the only person moving. It's definitely not like everyone's... watching... you.     

 OMG, just had a major realization. You know that song by Little Mix (an Australian band), Wings? Well, one of my favorite lyrics to sing, is:

                                                 WALK! WALK ON OVER THERE!     
                                                  'CUZ I'M TO FLY TO CAAAARE!
                                                           OH YEEEAAAH!  
                                              YOUR WORDS DON'T MEAN A THING, 
                                                         I'M NOT LISTENING!
                                                 KEEP TALKING, ALL I KNOW IS...            

 Yeah, love that song. Love it so. Freaking. Much.

 Okay. I swear, do you guys feel like I'm babbling on about whatever pops into my head that may or may not be interesting?

 Well, you would be correct...

 Yep, it's a boring day. Booooooorrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnngggggg. Boring. So boring.

 How about a little fun with facts?!?

 Word of the Day: Arbitrary. I am so bored to day that I will spare you the trouble of looking it up. It means based on or subject to individual discretion or preference.

 Yeah, good luck figuring that out.

 Song of the Day: Wings - Little Mix (...)

 Random Fact: Paper money continues to be printed with green ink because, according to the U.S. Bureau of Printing and Engraving, the ink was plentiful and durable and the color green was associated with stability. Today, there is some $1.2 trillion in coins and paper money in circulation in America. [Mostly copied, with a few changes. I'm glad I know... I used to wonder why they weren't purple.]

 Random Fact About Me: When I get a new book off Amazon in the mail, I squeal and jump around, hugging both my parents, before running back to my room to jump on the bed and read, read, read.

 Today's Prophecy: Tomorrow, when I look out my window, there will be a big, fluffy, stuffed panda bear with a red bow around it's neck, waiting for some cuddles! 

 We'll see how this works out...

 Yeah, people of the big, beautiful earth, that's my post for today! Please comment, it's always interesting to hear what others have to say!

 Bye, hope you guys will come back to party! We'll have streamers and chocolate cake and giant stuffed pandas! You could enjoy all this while sitting down, if you like...


 That was lame. 

 Anyways... bye!!!
                                                                                                          - Alice Eastburn