Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday: Try (2.0)

It's FRIDAY! And that means... 

 ...that after the two days of wonderful freedom, we have to go back to Monday.

 On a more cheerful note, at least we get those two days of freedom! WHOOPEE!

 OMG, so, I'm wearing that amazing necklace today! IT ROCKS!!! I actually didn't think that it would go with my outfit, but, what-do-ya-know, it does! 

 So, I'm actually eating cornbread right now... it's absolutely delicious. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be eating it, but... no one has to know.

 I feel like giving a little celebrity review... DON'T YOU? (duh, of course you do!)

Taylor Swift: I like most everything about her... except for the fact that she stole everything from me! 
 What is her supposed 'signature number'? 13! My favorite number! What is her supposed 'signature color'? RED! My favorite color! What is one of her albums called? RED!!! AGAIN, MY FAVORITE COLOR/GOOD IDEA FOR A SONG!!! ):(
 But other than that, she is one of the most perfect, beautiful, amazing human beings alive!
 Other than the whole she-stole-it thing, I just don't like how social media is morphing her image. They're sort of "turning" her into this monstrous girl who "destroys" her boyfriends and hates everyone, is a total diva, doesn't care about other people, and is self-centered. 
 I don't care if the last two are basically the same thing, I just like the word self-centered...

Katy Perry: No offense, I really don't like her. She is a diva, I think, and overall...
 Voice: Not to discriminate, just not the sort of thing I like. Hers doesn't have that 'pure' thing that most pop stars voices do, and that's actually one of the only things I like about most pop stars. 
 Style: A bit too stand-outish, if you know what I mean. It feels like she's trying too hard.
 Songs: Obviously, most of them became hits, but I don't like them because they're a bit dark. Like Dark Horse. It just makes it seem (to me, you don't have to agree with any of this) like she's the exact sort of girl that social media makes Taylor Swift out to be.
 Overall, I just don't like her.
 Her hair is a different story...

Nicki Minaj: No offense (and remember, I'm not hating on anyone who does like or support her), but I honestly hate her... 
 Don't get me wrong, I'm not that girl who goes around hating everybody, but I don't like her because... well. 
 Her music isn't my type at all (I'm not into rap and whatever her style is), her morals aren't... not even sure you could call them morals, actually.
 Also, most of her songs are explicit, and I don't tend to like artists with songs like that. Many of her photoshoots are also explicit; in fact, it was hard for me to find a picture of her to put up here that was appropriate and wouldn't offend anyone! *tugs on shirt collar*

 That was all just my truths and views of them. I might do another thing like this, but not tomorrow, because tomorrow is a special day for my blog. Try to see if you can figure out what it is...

 Remember that I love you.

                                                     WHERE THERE IS DESIRE 
                                                  THERE IS GONNA BE A FLAME!
                                                     WHERE THERE IS A FLAME, 
                                             SOMEONE'S BOUND TO GET BURNED!
                                                   BUT JUST BECAUSE IT BURNS 
                                               DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE GONNA DIE!
                                       YOU GOTTA GET UP AND TRY, TRY, TRY-Y-Y!
                                           GOTTA GET UP AND TRY, TRY-Y, TRY-Y!

Hehehe... there is another song called Try, by Pink, so if you're confused, there's your answer!


 Word of the Day: Brobdingnagian. Mouthful, I know!

 Song of the Day: Try - Pink. I'll say it's 2.0.

 Random Fact: Sharks have a tongue referred to as a "basihyal". The basihyal is a small, thick piece of cartilage located on the floor of the mouth of sharks and other fishes. It appears to be useless for most sharks with the exception of the cookiecutter shark. [Tongues. How interesting.]

 Random Fact About Me: My hair is almost to my waist, but, when I do cut it (not drastically, just a few inches), I'm most likely going to be allowed to ombre it a few weeks in advance! If you don't know what ombre-ing is, it's where you dye the lowest parts of you hair ombre. Look it up, you'll probably get lots of results.

 Today's Prophecy: I will go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow. I DON'T KNOW, IT'S RANDOM!

 That was the post of today, hope you enjoyed it! On Sunday I'll blog more about celebrities, or maybe do a few popular books reviews, but in the meantime, try (LOL) to figure out what makes tomorrow's post so special! I'm excited...

 LOVE you all! Valentines (though we're past that), heart, kisses, and all that wonderful jazzy...ness?
                                                                                                               - Alice Eastburn