I just LOVE Easter, don't you? Of course you do!
Funny story: usually, on Easter morning, my brother and I are up at, like, 5:30, and trying to wake zeh parents so we can look in our Easter baskets.
But... er... this Easter, everyone woke up at virtually the same time, and everyone literally fell back asleep again. Then we all slowly got up and migrated to the master bedroom (not counting the people who were already there).
Everyone practically fell asleep again, just cuddling with Stella! It was COZY.
Then we had the same breakfast we have every Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Eggs, sausage, and (get ready)... CINNAMON ROLLS!!! DUN DU-NA-NA!!! I took a picture for you guys (before it was eaten, obviously), here it is.
Doesn't that look G to the O to the O to the D-elicious?
I also took pictures of the stuff I got in my Easter basket!
BTW, if you think it's stupid that my family still does the Easter Basket thing, then you just don't enjoy the little things in life. :(
One day, when you have house, and a car, and all that jazz, you'll wish you could do it again.
HOW WE DID IT AT THE ______________!!!
TO YA!!!
The stuff I 'bleeped out' was just a bit sexual, and I didn't want to offend any viewers...
Anyway, here are the pictures of what I got!
These are just a bottle of bubble soap (left), this weird spray stuff called Fun String (right), and a Rubix Cube (center).
I actually love blowing bubbles, I dunno why, it's just so FUN!!! I'm always happy when I get them as a gift, then I go outside and use it right away. After spilling one-third of it.
Which didn't happen this time, there is still hope for me!
The Fun String is this weird stuff that comes in a can like the type of hair spray bottle I like; it sprays out like spray, but when you touch it, it feels chemically, cloth-y, and bubble-y, all a the same time. It's... yeah, it's weird.
But I love it!
The Rubix Cube is a Rubix Cube. Isn't that just astonishing?
Aaaanyway, I love them all, and I'm thankful that SOMEONE got them for me.
Who could it be?
These are all snacks, and I know that you can't see them that well, so I'll try to explain.
Top left is a box of tasty, on-the-go crackers by the brand name, Toasty.
Top center is a bag of Annie's cracker bunnies. LOVE Annie's! You should definitely check out they're products, so good!
Top right is a bag of FLAVOR BLASTED Goldfish. YUM!
Bottom left is a bag of Dove Chocolates, flavored sea salt (I think, I know it's weird, but...) with caramel inside. I tried one, they're REALLY good!
Bottom center is another bag of Dove Chocolates, just normal. Dark chocolate. SO, SO, SO, SO, SO GOOOOD!
Bottom right is two small bags of Annie's gummie bunnies, which are so tasty. And slightly addicting. I ate both bags within a ten minute period of time. I didn't feel so good after...

And, finally, these three beautiful nail polish colors, that are... Prep-Plum, something-something, and Lively Lilac(?).
I was extremely happy, and I think I'll repaint my nails the middle color tonight.
I know you can't see them very well, but the left bottle is a berry color, the middle bottle is a dark teal color, and the right bottle is a lilac color. As you can tell. From the name.
I've never used this brand of nail polish before, but it looks good, so I'm just gonna have fun!!!
Not much else to say...
Oh, BTW, I also got two five-dollar gift cards for Target, but I didn't want to show you the picture due to how obvious it is when you look at them, the fact that I couldn't rattle on about five-dollar gift cards for five paragraphs, and the fact that it's so much easier to just tell you. ;D
After that, my family came over, and we all sat down an partied, and ate cake, which I forgot to take a picture of... hehehehehehehehehehe...
My grandma got me a wonderful bracelet for Easter, isn't it pretty?
Thanks, Grandma!
Word of the Day: Tintinnabulous. That was fun!
Song of the Day: Do It Again - (Princess) Pia Mia. Er... don't... like... look it up... it can be extremely sexual... I thought it was catchy!
Random Fact: Most tsunamis cause the sea to rise no more than 10 feet (3 meters). The Indian Ocean tsunami caused waves as high as 30 feet (9 meters) in some places, according to news reports. In other places witnesses described a rapid surging of the ocean. Flooding can extend inland by a thousand feet (300 meters) or more. (.....)
Random Fact About Me: I want a shower.
Today's Prophecy: I will get that shower in the next hour.
That was the Easter post! Hope you liked it, I did! :)
I love you all so much, please remember to give me ideas for my friend's birthday present! Thanks for reading! Now I'm going to get my SHOWER!
- Alice Eastburn