I'm very sorry that I haven't been posting for the past... *looks at calendar* ELEVEN DAYS!!! AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!
So, my internet access was extremely limited because I was restricted from my laptop due to the fact that meh bro can't have one in his room, and, ya know, it wouldn't be fair. I totally get that, and I was fine with it.
I was allowed to use my Kindle, but the connection was really bad in my room, and it's hard for me to focus on stuff like that if I'm not in my room.
Basically, I just now got my laptop back, and I'm freaking happy!
Really sorry, and there's my apology! I'll try harder next time (if there is a next time. Hopefully there's not), but for now, I'll just get on with the post.
Oh, okay, wow, this is kinda weird. It's like I have to get back into the routine! Work my muscles! Build up stamina!
Okay, crunches! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!
Push-ups! One, two, three, four... ninety-eight, ninety-nine, ONE HUNDRED!
Oh, I am ready.
So, I thought, for fun, I would do a haul post, as I just went shopping with my mom yesterday! I took pictures of the items, so here we go!

Just to get this one out of the way, because it might feel awkward for some people to hear about another's deodorant, the (I already said it...) is up first.
I got this at Target, because, you know, I was there, I needed it, and, well. Because.
This is, in fact, the same brand I've always used, and I like it because, one, it looks nice, two, it's easy to find, and three, it looks nice. There we go.
This is slightly different from the exact one I use, as this one is scented (lavender), and the one I usually get is unscented, but I really don't mind.
Lavender is a very nice scent, and you could think of it as having an (unlit, of course) scented candle plastered to your armpits!
Please vote: am I being serious? If you said the more obvious choice, 'no', you would be correct!
This was $2.47.
And so concludes the awkwardness of Body Odor.

Now, you guys know that I do ballet, so to do that ballerina bun that everyone likes, we (most of us) use hair gel.
This is the type I use, and I find it very reliable. It is, 'lo and behold, another TRESemme product!
This one was... either $4.99 or $3.99, the receipt doesn't name them, just their brand.
So, if you don't know what hair gel is (which you do, if you know anything about hair), it's basically this goopy (slimy?) clear stuff, basically, gel, that you squeeze onto your hand, rub around, and apply to your hair. It makes it look a bit wet, but it makes it easier to twist into a tight bun.
Some people also use it on their closer-to-scalp hair (as in, the hair that doesn't hang off...) to give it a smoother look, but it's not required, and most people who do it have extremely thick, curly/wavy, or stubborn hair.

Since we're on the subject of hair, I'll just do this one next.
This is another TRESemme product, and it's hairspray.
I was very exact with the type of bottle I wanted to buy it in. There are two types: the type where you have to push down repeatedly for little spritz's, or the type that everyone imagines movie stars' stylists using. I got the latter.
My reason? First of all, this one contains a lot more for the money, it's HUGE! Second, it's a lot easier and quicker to use this type.
I find that the Little Spritz (that's not what they're called, it's literally just me) bottles take an extremely long time, and don't hold my hair as well, as it takes so long to apply a good amount.
I got a big one, and a small one to go in my ballet bag for emergency's, because I'm just so prepared! :D

I showed you this before, it's nail polish remover. I just needed another bottle, so I got one.
By the way, I know that the design and color placement looks different, but products change their designs sometimes, so.
I've told you about the pros and cons already, in my Sunday Spa Routine post, so all I can say that you haven't heard already is that it's $0.97.
I do like the fact that it's purple, though.
I like that, actually... wouldn't it be cool if that were a trend and everyone finished their comments or tweets or whatever with #addedplus ?
Ever heard of TRADEMARK?
L - O - L - !

This is nail polish, quite obviously, and it's my favorite brand, Insta-Dri. I love Insta-Dri, because it Dri-es, like, Insta-ntly!
See what I did there?
The two on the left aren't actually meant for me. They're for my friend's birthday, along with an unknown present.
Unknown because I literally have no idea yet. I have two weeks, but I want to figure it out ASAP.
Do you guys have any ideas? Please comment below on something you think would be good! Hint: It has to be below $11. 86, though, because my mom's limit is $20.00. Another Hint: She likes scary books, and she's redoing her room.
The one on the right is for me, because (despite the immediate 'are you Goth?' reaction, I do like the color black. Seriously, black doesn't equal Goth.
Besides, I need some for next Halloween, the stuff from last time ran out.
Sorry the picture's dark, don't know how that happened, but this is basically fake eyelash adhesive.
My ballet studio requires it for performances when you're in the Youth Ensemble (official program so that the Tec. 5's and up can get more experience with performance and responsibility), and I was running out, so I got more.
To apply it, you squeeze a miniscule amount onto the edge of the eyelash, then blow on it until it gets tacky.
Then you line it up the right way and gently apply it as close to your real eyelashes as possible. You keep your eye closed until it's dried, and then you do the next eye.
I sometimes need help with this, because it's difficult to get it just right.
And this was... $5.39, a totally unreasonable price for a finger -length, half-of-a-finger-width tube containing simple eyelash adhesive! Oh, I don't know!
These are the eyelashes to go with the adhesive.
I haven't ever used this brand before, so I can't give you a good review, but they were the best I could find.
Most of the eyelashes were to big (creepy), and the only other one I could find in that section that had natural-looking fake lashes had eight of them, yes, but was way to expensive.
This one I got for $3.89!
$3.89!!! WHOO-HOO!!! YEAH!!! WHOO-HOO!!! YEAH!!!
Is that reasonable? I think it is...
By the way, I was restocking on some performance stuff like this because I had run out.
I don't have much to say about this, since I haven't used it before, but I am happy that I got new ones. The only pair I've ever had lasted me through four shows, but I'm not willing to go much farther!

This is mascara, something that is required for all Tecs for performances.
I have always used this mascara, and it's a wonderful, lasting one that even my mom uses. It looks nice, and it's pretty cheap, just $5.89.
I needed more because the last stuff I had just disappeared while I was getting ready. I was putting on my fake eyelashes in the group dressing room, and they were right there.
When I went to use the mascara to blend the real and fake eyelashes together, it was gone.
I asked around, and I looked on the floor and underneath makeup bags, even the trash can, but I couldn't find it.
If you don't want Mascara Magician, I would not recommend this product.
If you do, got ahead!

These wacky looking cones are actually full of eyeliner!
I'm super excited to try this out, because I've always used this pen (not a pencil, but a liquid pen eyeliner), but never the brush. My friend uses it, and when she's helped me with my eyeliner (the pens are a bit crappy if you're not giving yourself a fake tattoo) she whips this out and is all like, ta-da!!!
Then she totally kills it and makes it look perfect.
Honestly, I don't know if it's the eyeliner or her, but BRAVO!
This was much more expensive than I'm used to, at $9.99, but it comes with two, and it's very popular, so I'm hoping it's worth it!
Altogether, I'm really excited for the next show, because I want to try all this out!
BTW, all of the stuff is still in the packaging so I don't lose it as easily, and so it's fresh and undamaged for the shows!

This is a dress (obviously), and it's $19.99.
This is also my lame attempt at hiding my facial features for the sake of privacy!
I LOOOOOVE this dress, because it's simple and plain, it goes to my knees, which is a more comfortable length for my mom, and it's freaking stylish and cute.
I also like that you can accessorize it in so many ways, without seeming over the top. It's just an easy thing to slip on, and it can be casual or fancy!
BTW, beneath my left arm you can see something brown hanging. To clarify, that is in fact my hair, not a blanket hanging off the bed in the background.
My hair is super looooong.
I just love it, and I can't wait until it's washed and I can wear it! Did I mention how
comfortable it is? AAAHHH.
I also got my friend a Kit Kat bar, because it was her birthday recently, and that's her favorite candy, and she kind of requested it as opposed to something expensive, but you guys don't need to see the picture, you know what it looks like!
All of the previous were from Target. The following item was from Belk, and I LOVE IT!

Thank you.
These are some really cute sandals I found at Belk and they are soooo comfy!
They aren't too fancy, they're easy to get on and off, they're comfy, they're cute, they're nice for the pool or beach, or just walking around, and...
...hopefully you can see why I love them.
They were $23.40, and they were the only item I got from Belk.
I would highly recommend these, though (no offense) not Belk itself.
Belk is extremely expensive altogether, and though literally everything is almost heart-breaking-ly trendy and fashionable, the price tags make you cry!
That was my spring break haul, I hope you enjoyed it!
Word of the Day: Esprit d'escalier. Have fun.
Song of the Day: Focus - Ariane Grande. Had to, people. Had to.
Random Fact: My bro's actually quite sick, he has a bad cold, please pray for him to get better!
Random Fact About Me: I tried surfing with my dad the day before yesterday. I failed. But I will keep trying, don't you worry!
Today's Prophecy: I won't be able to memorize my two-person Shakespeare scene by tonight! AGGH!
I love you all so much, thanks for coming back, even though I didn't post for so long! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE AND LOVE! Remember to comment and give me ideas for a present for meh friend! PEACE OUT!
- Alice Eastburn