Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday: Sorry

So, today's Saturday, obviously. It's the WEEKEND! WHOO-HOO!

 What was yesterday's prophecy? Oh yeah, that it'd be sunny. Well... it's not raining, but it's not sunny so... we'll see how this works out.

 So tired today, hard day of dance yesterday...

 Sorry, where was I? Oh, god, I'm really sorry guys...

                                           IS IT TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY?
                                 'CAUSE I'M... MISSING MORE THAN JUST YOUR BODY...
                                           IS IT TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY?
                                          YEAH, I KNOW THAT I LET YOU DOWN,
                                           IS IT TOO LATE TO SAY SORRY NOW?

 I don't even care for him, but when you gotta, you gotta!
 I'm planning to watch Scorch Trials today (the sequel to the Maze Runner), and the Flash, and Super Girl, and Agent Carter. 

 If you don't know what those last three were, the Flash is a DC show about a forensic scientist named Barry Allen who gets struck by lightning set off by a particle accelerator created by a high-tech science organization called Star Labs, which (duh) turns him and many others into medi-humans with super powers, and, as you can probably guess from the name, his is speed.

 Super Girl is another DC show about Superman's cousin Kara, with a story different than the one you usually hear: basically, Kara was a young teen living on Krypton, but was told to leave in a pod like her baby cousin's (Superman's) to protect him and guide him on earth; unfortunately, her pod was knocked off course and she was stuck in a part of space where time didn't pass, and when she finally got to earth, he had grown up to become Superman. The story continues with her working at Cat Co. as the assistant to Cat Grant herself, remaining hidden power-wise. An accident involving a crashing plane and her adoptive sister (hint, hint?) forces her to reveal herself to the world.

 Agent Carter is a Marvel show, relatively new and set in the time period after the second World War, about a Kick-A English woman named Peggy Carter. She lost her to-be husband, Captain America, in a plane crash on the job, and now works as the only woman in a secret agency called the SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve), while secretly assisting an old friend, the guy every one's trying to catch, Howard Stark (Tony Stark's dad).

 So, yeah, that all took a while, but they're all awesome shows that I watch all the time. Oh god, I almost forgot OUAT! Once Upon A Time is a show about... never mind, look it up.

 Ugh, need to redo my nail polish this Sunday, I haven't renewed it in weeks! I'm probably gonna have like a spa day on Sunday, but, then, I always do that. Tomorrow, I'll give you a list and possibly pictures of what I use on spa day, with recommendations and stuff.

 AHHH, gotta go with parent to get food from the pet store!!! Be back in half and hour...

 ...Okay, back! 

 OMG, so I got there and I was like, this is gonna be sooo boring, but nooo

 There were all these little mice in a glass case, and in the one next to that there were bigger mice, and below those were four big boxes with little crickets and big crickets, just crawling around, and it was SO FREAKY BECAUSE YOU FELT LIKE THEY WERE GONNA START CRAWLING UP YOUR LEG!!! 

 This woman also had these three little dogs and I'm an absolute sucker for little guys like that and one looked like a Pekinese, and one looke like a mini poodle (apricot), and the only quiet one was like a bigger gray Pekinese that looked like oh god, save me from these amateurs, and I was just like, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

 Come on people, even the most sensible of us all have to fangirl sometimes...

 Oh, here's another one of those cutest things ever, but it's actually under the category 'little dogs', so search that and you'll be glad you're alive to witness the innocence that you could never have...

 Okay, for real, you could actually have innocence like that, but it'd be extremely hard to get it...



 Word of the Day: Inimical. Head to the Search Box, guys.

 Song of the Day: Sorry -Justin Bieber [hehehehehe...he...]

 Random Fact: After a lot of debate, scientists are now saying that the primary cause of Coke & Mentos geysers is a physical reaction, not a chemical reaction. Their explanation is this process called nucleation. All the carbon dioxide in the soda – all that fizz – is squeezed into the liquid and looking for a way out. [Okaaaaaayyyy?]

 Random Fact About Me: My favorite color is any type of red, and people are always like, OOOOOOOOHHHHH when I tell them that. ???

 Today's Prophecy: I'll watch the Fault in Our Stars tomorrow. Pray for me, guys!

 Yep, friends, new and old, we had a good party today, but that's only to be expected on the weekend! Tomorrow we'll sit down, I promise!

 Love you all, have a wonderful rest of your weekend, and remember to eat your vegetables! I'm watching you...

 Right, so that wasn't creepy at all. 

 XOXO (what does that even stand for?), <3, kisses and jazz!
                                                                                                               - Alice Eastburn