Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday: (It's) Friday

Hello, people, plants, animals. Martians...

 Oh, hey, I just got my oatmeal. Ow... maybe wait another minute?

 Lately, I've been so freaking tired. I swear, I feel like crap! It's so annoying, it's like I haven't had a single day of my life that wasn't a day where my eyes felt weird and like I wanted to take five hour nap. I actually can't nap except when I'm sick, I'm bad at falling asleep for the night anyway, but still.

 All of that just a second ago was random. This is also random: why don't I pick out every other word in that long, tired-infested paragraph and see what I get?

 I got: Lately been freaking I I like It's annoying, like haven't a day my that a where eyes weird like wanted take hour I can't except I'm I'm at asleep the anyway, still.

 Is it just me, or did that make no sense? Like, at all.

 Now my oatmeal's cooled, yay!

 Oh, yeah, my prophecy yesterday? It actually came true! I AM DESTINED TO BECOME A WEATHERWOMAN! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! *wipes tears of happiness from face*

 So, it's Friday... and if it's Friday... well, you probably know what that means...

                               IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!
                                   FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GETTIN' DOWN ON FRIDAY!
                           EVERYBODY'S - LOOKIN' - FORWARD - TO THE WEEK - END!

 Yes, so what if her voice isn't Enya's, and we already know what day of the week it is, and we already know what goes down on Friday... it's about Fridays and today is Friday. Can you see the resemblance?

 And now, just for you guys, I will share a photo of the cutest thing on earth!!!

 Is it just me, or is this just the cutest thing ever? I'm sorry if it's a little fuzzy, but you can find the higher quality photo when you search "the cutest thing on earth". I'm not sure how it works with Yahoo and other search engines, but it works if you use Google Chrome.

 Oh, yeah, here's another cutest thing in the world picture that turned up. 

 Adorable, or not adorable? If you said the former, you would be correct... 

 I have one more, just because we all love pictures of the "cutest things on earth", but on earth? This belongs in "Universe"! That's actually where I found it.

 Oh. My. God. I. Can't. Go. On.

 That was almost traumatizing, am I right? I'm right.


 Word of the Day: Aspersion. Look it up or whatever.

 Song of the Day: Friday - Rachel Black (ooooooh!)

 Random Fact: Contrary to popular belief, eating turkey isn't the main reason you feel sleepy after a Thanksgiving feast. The oft-repeated turkey myth stems from the fact that turkey contains the amino acid tryptophan, which forms the basis of brain chemicals that make people tired. [I actually don't eat turkey on Thanksgiving, but if I want to have a good night's sleep, I'll consider it...]

 Random Fact About Me: Blogging is the only setup I have with anything to do with social media. I don't have a Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr, Pinterest,Vine, Instagram, Burn Note, Tumblr, or anything like that account. I don't even have a phone, but I (despite the reactions I get when I voice this thought) don't really want one anyway...

 Today's Prophecy: Tomorrow it will be sunny (my weekend depends on it, I always spend time outside on the weekends!) and warm.

 This was Friday's post, hope you enjoyed it. Come back and sit down, because everyone enjoys a sit-down party. Right? Right.

 Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to cover in a post, or an idea for one. If you have a blog of your own, please feel free to leave the link to it in the comments, I'll be sure to check it out!

 Love you guys, no takebacks! Kisses and hearts and hugs and all that juicy goodness! Bye!

                                                                                                               - Alice Eastburn

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