Monday, February 22, 2016

Tuesday: Pieces

Finally figured out how the whole Liebster thing works! Rose was nominated by three people and gave instructions before she did it, so now I know! Yay!

 So, I was nominated for the award twice, and, basically, I have to answer 22 questions 

 First, Rose's questions. Oh, here's the link to her blog

                                    Question 1: What is your favorite season?
                            Fall, all the way. I just love the colors and the weather!
                              Question 2: What was your least favorite age to be?
                      Hmm... tough one. I would probably say nine, because I felt like 
                                 I had to be a double-digit number to be important.

                     Question 3: If you could learn a new language, what would it be?
                       I'm already learning Spanish and Latin, so I would say... French.

                       Question 4: What shop do you buy most of your clothes from?
                                                   Definitely Kohls. No debate.

                                     Question 5: What's your favorite board game?
                           Monopoly. If someone in my family says, 'let's have game night', 
                                  we're probably gonna take out the Monopoly board.

                                                Question 6: Why do you blog?
                            I blog because I like to know that other people might be 
                   reading and enjoying what I'm creating on screen, and because it's like 
                                I have BFFs who will listen to me as I pour my day out.

            Question 7: What was the first thing you did this morning when you woke up?
                                       Sat and wondered what I would blog about...

                          Question 8: What was the best holiday you ever went on?
                              Christmas, last year. I felt better about myself than I 
                      usually do at Christmas time because, for once, I actually bought                                              presents for my family instead of just receiving them.

                 Question 9: If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
                                              Disney... that's not so bad is it? 

                                           Question 10: Do you have any pets?
                                 Yes, I have a standard poodle named Stella, and a 
                                                petite tabby cat named Daisy.

                                         Question 11: Do you play any sports?
                                 I used to do swimming, Kung Fu, basketball, ballet, 
                 horseback riding, soccerball, scouts, and gymnastics. Now I just do ballet...

 Okay, time for Liv Hudd's. Here's the link to her blog, check it out, it's great!     

                               Question 1: Who is your favorite blogger and why?
                                 Rose, because she is extremely interesting, sweet,
                            and then there's the fact that she was the first person to
                                                        discover my blog.

                   Question 2: Do you watch youtubers, if so, which are your favorite?
                               I do watch youtubers: MylifeasEva, Zoella, DailyYou, 
                           Grace Helbig, Jenna Marbles, Tyler Oakley, Tiffany Alvord, 
                            Alyson Stoner, Tyler Ward, and I won't complete the list...

                                         Question 3: Do you have any pets?
                     My cat, Daisy, who is three years old, and my dog, Stella, 
                                              who is only eight months old.

                                    Question 4: Favorite song at the moment?
                                                Pieces by Ella Henderson.

                                              OH NO YOU CAN'T FAKE LOVE!
                                                IT'S NOT A GAME YOU PLAY!
                                          YOU'VE BEEN THERE FROM THE START!
                                                THIS STARTS TO END TODAY!
                                                 TONIGHT I'VE HAD ENOUGH!
                                                  ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU UP!
                                                 I'M UP AND OUT THIS PLACE!
                                           SOMEWHERE WHERE YOU CAN'T GET ME!
                                                      O-OHH WHOA-OA-OA

                       Question 5: What show did you watch all the time as a kid?
                                                Er... anything on PBS Kids...

               Question 6: Favorite time of the year (Easter, birthday, Christmas, etc.)?
                                                    Probably my birthday...

                                   Question 7: First thing you do in the morning?
                                                       Get up and dressed.

                                            Question 8: Favorite treat to have?
                                 These little suckers called Chupa Chups. Delicious...
                              Question 9: Where would you love to visit on a holiday?
                                  Paris, France. I know it's stereotypical, but I really 
                                    would love to go there, even if not on a holiday.
                                                  Question 10: Worst habit?
                                          Not reading any of the thirty-seven books
                            I most likely got for a holiday present until about a year later.

                                                Question 11: Why do you blog?
                                               Because I failed at keeping a journal
                                                   and this was my second choice!

  This was my Liebster award tag, and I now nominate the following:

 Olivia from
  Mae from
  Talkative Girl from        
  Scarlett from 
  Kathryn from
  The Worst Critic from
  Ananya from
  Nihaad from
  Amy from
  Jessica from
  Cathy from

 Here are your question:
           (1) What is your favorite food?
           (2) Hobbies?
           (3) Cookie or cream?
           (4) Where is your happy place?
           (5) Favorite color?
           (6) Favorite holiday? Why?
           (7) Who is your favorite celebrity and why?
           (8) When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
           (9) What is or was your favorite subject in school?
           (10) What is your favorite season?
           (11) What is your favorite book, game and/or movie?

 So, there you have it folks. The art of the Liebster award process! Whew...


 Word of the Day: Heterogenous. I actually don't know what this means...

 Song of the Day: Pieces - Ella Henderson (whooa-oa-oa!)

 Random Fact: The area encircling the Pacific Ocean is called the "Ring of Fire," because its edges mark a circle of high volcanic and seismic activity (earthquakes). Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located on this circumference. [That's just great. Great.]

 Random Fact About Me: I had such a late night last night, and such a LONG day today, that, although this was originally yesterday's second post, I'm redoing it so that this is actually Tuesday's post. I know it's lame, but. But. You know.

 Today's Prophecy: I won't actually wear the piece of jewelry that I thought I would tomorrow. IDK! It's random, guys!

 I love you all incredibly! Thank you, Rose and Liv, for nominating me! *forms heart shape with hands* Good-bye! 
                                                                                                              - Alice Eastburn


  1. Hearing that I am your favourite blogger has really made my day. I love reading your blog!
    Kisses, Rose

  2. Yay! It's really fun to hear someone say that I made their day, because I have a (problem...) thing where I always take things literally, at least at first. Then I think, wait, what? Well, if I created it, I hope I created a good day...
    LOL, yeah, I swear it's a disease or something...
    It makes me feel good, though, to hear that I (unliterally) made your day!
    Love, Alice Eastburn :)
