I had a really bad morning... I woke up at 5:45, forgot to hit Snooze, woke up ten minutes later cursing myself for not hitting Snooze, changed it to 6:45, woke up again at 6:45, turned my alarm off, and fell asleep until 7:53, with seven minutes to wake up, change clothes, brush my hair, eat breakfast, go to the bathroom, etc.
Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't start off the day very well?
I am, needless to say, pretty tired and groggy today, so I've (sorry Mom) been in a bit of an annoyed mood today. Not like I snap at someone if they trip or something, but more like, 'let's just get it done...'.
Ya know what I mean...
I have a new Shakespeare class today, which will go for about eight weeks, and I'm excited, because everyone got pretty close during the last one, and literally everyone who was in that class is doing this one, so it should be fun! It won't even be that different or weird, because we finished the last one last week, so this week will practically be the same!!!
Selena Gomez: I love her!!! Especially because she was such a huge part of Disney movies.
I don't like how she's changed, in some ways, because when she was in the movies and things, she seemed so innocent, and now a lot of her songs are... I guess you could call them a bit seductive? The Heart Wants What It Wants, Good For Ya, Hands To Myself, and others.
It just doesn't seem to fit the sort of character you get when you watch the movies and stuff.
But, obviously, she is still absolutely gorgeous, and she's still sweet, and she still has a good (possibly even heightened) sense of style, so we're all good there.
Overall, I think she's amazing, she's just changed, negatively and positively, you know?

I sort of do, sort of don't like her... I like most of her songs, but mostly for the catchiness, not so much the morals.
She's obviously gorgeous, and her style is far from bad, I think. I hate the fact that so much of her body is covered in ink, she has so many tattoos. But it's her choice.
And her body that gets a foreign, disgusting substance implanted permanently in her skin.
I think that's just fine!
I think her personality is unique, and even though it's rather common in celebrities these days.
You know, the 'I don't care what other people think, I'm happy just the way I am, and I can go crazy if I want to. What's wrong with being a confident person?' personality.
Everyone knows that I did that intentionally, but, really, did you expect me not to?
Kind of the exact same thing repeated over and over again, but it became a hit, so I won't question it...
That was my Celebrity Review, I know I only reviewed two artists, but I'll do three, or maybe even four next time!
But now it's time for FUN WITH FACTS!!!
Word of the Day: Bibliobibuli. Something to do with reading...
Song of the Day: Confident - Demi Lovato. Which you already knew.
Random Fact: The Mercator projection portrays Greenland as larger than Australia; in actuality, Australia is more than three and a half times larger than Greenland. As on all map projections, shapes or sizes are distortions of the true layout of the Earth's surface. The Mercator projection exaggerates areas far from the equator. [Guess I should figure out what the Mercator projection is or was...]
Random Fact About Me: I did this post in several sittings during the day, and by now, I've already gone to the Shakespeare class and come back. It was good...
Today's Prophecy: I will either love or hate my untried outfit for tomorrow. My prediction will succeed either way, so I'm great for tomorrow!!!
The post of the today!!! Did you like it? Did you think it was too long or too short? Let me know, I want to make you guys happy! Because being happy isn't a bad thing, right?
OMG. I just realized...
I love you all so, so, so much, and I hope that tomorrow (as there isn't much left of today) is a wonderful day for you!!! Because (duh), I'm such a nice person, I want everything to go right for everybody!!! Aren't I sweet?
(and humble, too!)
Love you, thanks for reading, bye!!!
- Alice Eastburn
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