Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday: Wish Now

Hey, so, I know it's a bit late, but it's still Tuesday, so technically I'm not late, late.

 Hehehehe. Heeeeehhhh...

 But, seriously, I am sorry that it's later than usual, it's just that all day I've had stuff to do, because on Tuesdays and Thursdays I take an extra ballet class to warm up for my actual class. 

 So I basically have to get school done super fast so I can leave, like, two and a half (?) hours earlier. 

 I'm gonna go with this: most likely expect my post of the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays to be either early or late. 

 Just gonna go with that...

 God, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. I could literally do 'o's the whole rest of this post, and I would feel like I'd actually accomplished something. 

 Do you want to hear about my (as usual) horrible morning?

 Duh, you hang on to every blessed word I say, and you know it!!!

 So, I woke up at 5:45, hit Snooze, forgot to hit the complete off button, woke up ten minutes later, hit Snooze, reset it for 6:45, woke up fifty minutes later at 6:45, reset it for 7:00, woke up at 7:00, and barely managed to drag myself out of bed. 

 I am a miserable human being.

 Other than my morning, my day was okay. We have this thing at my dance school, Parent's Observation Week, which is the one time of the year that the parents can come in and watch. Because of the storm last Tuesday, ballet was canceled, so the parents got this Tuesday to watch, to make up for the missed day.

 It's very stressful when you parents are watching, because, first of all, they aren't the only people in the audience. 

 There are all these other people watching, and you know that they're gonna be more focused on their kid, probably not even noticing you, but, as dancers, we're trained to think about how our position looks to everyone at different angles. 

 So we kind of have a tendency to wonder who's looking at us and how we look to them.

 Second of all, you know, you just want to impress you parents. You want to show them how well you're doing, and you want to make them proud.

 Last of all, you just feel nervous, because it's virtually the same thing as a performance, it's just for people you're close to, and you don't get to be on a stage, wear a costume, or have cool lighting.

 Overall, it's absolutely exhausting, because everyone's trying so much harder than usual. Like how you (obviously) try your best on show day.

 I am pooped. If you think that term is weird, you're probably right. Who talks about feces when they were just working their tail off?

 I mean, I miiiggghht.

 This song is the theme song from a modern show for younger kids (Star Darlings), but I like it, so don't judge.

                                             STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT,
                                             FIRST STAR I SEE TONIGHT,
                                            I WISH I MAY, I WISH I MIGHT,
                                       HAVE THIS WISH I WISH TONIGHT!!!

                                              CLOSE OUR EEEYYYEEES!!! 
                                         BELIEVE WITH ALL OUR MIGHT!!!
                                              SPARK A DREEEEEAAAAM!!! 
                                      LIGHT IT UP, 'TIL IT BURNS BRIGHT!!!

                                              NOTHIN' IN THE UNIVERSE 
                                               CAN KNOCK US DOWN!!! 
                                                 WE CAN HAVE IT ALL,
                                            WE GOT EACH OTHER NOW!!!
                                                     OH, OH, OH, OH,
                                               ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!
                                                     OH, OH, OH, OH,
                                            EVERY WISH IS MAGICAAAAAL!!!

 I know it was long, I'm sorry. Haven't heard it? Look it up. You'll probably find it if you  type in 'Star Darlings theme song Wish Now'. I'm telling you because you have to hear it to understand how freaking good the vocals are!


 Word of the Day: Defenestrate. Not advisable if you want the object to remain whole and undamaged...

 Song of the Day: Wish Now - Star Darlings. Don't know the name of the singer.

 Random Fact: Baltimore Ravens (1996-Present) Nickname: Selected from a poll conducted by the Baltimore Sun. Fans selected the name in honor of Edgar Allan Poe, American poet who penned his famous poem, “The Raven” while living in Baltimore. [I think it's a football team?]

 Random Fact About Me: I had a bad morning, did you know?

 Today's Prophecy: I'll have a bad morning. I can feel it...

 I hope you are satisfied with this post, though rather late, and I hope tomorrow and/or the rest of today is a wonderful... experience? Space of time? 

 I don't know what I'm talking about...

 I love you all so, so, so, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

 I told you, I'm sooo tired!!!

 Anyways, love you all a lot, comment, have a good space of time, and, mostly, sit down!
                                                                                                               - Alice Eastburn


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