Saturday, March 5, 2016

Saturday: Payphone

Once again, late, and, no, I do not have any life problems currently, and, no, I do not NOT care about you guys, and, no, I do not fangirl over Dylan O'Brien, what are you talking about?!?

 LOL, last one was random, but that's just what we do, right?!?

 This is probably going to be the shortest post I've ever done, but, even though it's the WEEKEND (can't emphasize that enough... WEEKEND!!!), not that much actually happened today. 

 I got up early (it wasn't a bad morning, yayzies!), went to the farmer's market with meh dad, walked, came back, wasted my life watching pointless Youtube videos, went to the dog park with my family, stayed there for two hours, actually didn't get a tan, though it was sunny, came back, took a shower, and watched Agent Carter and The Voice.

 And now I'm here.

 One thing I think is funny is that I annoyed my whole family (points) with the Maroon 5 song, Payphone (double points), and actually killed it! POINTS...

                               I'M AT A PAAAYPHONE, TRYIN' TO CAAALL HOME
                                 ALL OF MY CHAANGE, I SPENT OOON YOOU!
                                   WHERE HAVE THE TIIMES GONE, BABY?

 There's more, but... a lot more, so we won't get into that...


 Word of the Day: Agelast. How cheerful.

 Song of the Day: Payphone - Maroon 5. <3<3<3<3<3<3...

 Random Fact: The Turkish Halfeti Rose is the only know black rose in the world, specifically from Halfeti, Turkey. That was easy.

 Random Fact About Me: I stay up too late sometimes. Betcha didn't know that...

 Today's Prophecy: Tomorrow will be a good day... hey, my wall art says it, why not?!?

 I love you all sooo much, sorry this post was so short, and I know that it seems like I've been neglecting my blog, but the reason today was I didn't have internet for half the day, and when I got it back, I had to leave for the dog park.

 There's your excuse!

 Love you, have a great... tomorrow!

                                                                                                               - Alice Eastburn

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