Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday: Are You Happy Now?



 Oh, there's an airplane outside. I can hear it... and it's gone. Darn?

 I don't really have much to blog about today... I might finish this later, after ballet, so I have something to tell! Which I don't...

 How about a self-made Q&A?!?

 That wouldn't be any fun, I'd know all the answers before I even wrote the questions...

 Hmm. Be back in six hours!!! Love you!

 Okay, less like six hours, more like eight!

 It's exactly 9:01 at this very minute, so... yeah.

 Class was fun, but since I took the extra class it was extremely exhausting. I feel really bad about saying this, and I'm not usually this type of person, but at the beginning, I wasn't trying as hard as I usually do. I guess I was just tired and exherted.

 On the bright side, I learned what aspiration means!

 That will be my Word of the Day, later.

 So, my MP3 hasn't been charged for, like, three months, and, finally, I charged it. I listened to it in the car, and it was like I'd rediscovered this wonderful song, Are You Happy Now! The best cover, and pretty much the only version I listen to, is by Cassadee Pope, who actually won season 3 of The Voice.

 It goes liiikkke...

                                            COULD YOU LOOK ME IN THE EEYYEE,
                                          AND TELL ME THAT YOU'RE HAPPY NOW?
                                                   OOOOOOH, OOOOOOH!!!
                                              WOULD YOU TELL IT TO MY FACE,
                                                 OR HAVE I BEEN ERASED?
                                                   ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?
                                                   ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?

 Best. Song. Ever. 

 I say that a lot, don't I? Or do I? I don't think I do... wait yes. Yes I do. Wait, no. Noooo I don't... or do I?

 Self-doubt. Never a good sign.

 Just because today was boring, I'm tired, and my mom is probably gonna be mad that I'm on the computer this late, I'll just do a FUN WITH FACTS!!! and I'll be done, okay? Okay.


 Word of the Day: Aspiration. That thing that happens when you're drowning/when you inhale water when you drink it too fast or accidentally breathe as you swallow.

 Song of the Day: Are You Happy Now - Michelle Branch. Love...

 Random Fact: Being biodegradable and nontoxic, packing peanuts are safe for humans and pets if ingested accidentally. However, they are not produced in food-safe conditions, and are not recommended for eating. Also, during the manufacturing process, the nutritional value is removed from starch-based packing peanuts. [I don't even like normal peanuts...]

 Random Fact About Me: I keep getting weird things stuck under this one fingernail...

 Today's Prophecy: I will have contemporary tomorrow. I know this for a fact.

 I love you all so much, please comment, thanks for reading, all that juicy goodness, and now, without further ado, my WAY overdue bedtime! Bye!

                                                                                                               - Alice Eastburn

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